时间: 01/25/2009 星期天下午: 4:00 - 10:00
地点: 珍珠坊餐厅 (China Pearl 2500 Old Alabama Rd., #1, ROSWELL , GA 30076 )。
要求: 年龄, 性别, 职业, 种族, 人数均不限.
要求: 年龄, 性别, 职业, 种族, 人数均不限.
收费: 大人$20, 少年4-12岁$10, 小孩3岁以下免费。
Please confirm your coming via eamil to info2hand@gmail.com (including how many people will come with you) or call

, as seats are limited.
Please confirm your coming via eamil to info2hand@gmail.com (including how many people will come with you) or call